Taking one photo for every day of the year.

Archive for February, 2011


I’m torn between wanting quirky accents like this door handle in my home and keeping things classic & simple ๐Ÿ™‚


I was so close to cheating and just posting a picture from last night’s Strobist shoot because all I did today was edit those pictures, but I also cooked a huge batch of fried rice (mom’s recipe). And then I proceeded to eat too much of it ๐Ÿ™‚

And b/c I’m in a good mood, I’ll throw in one from the Strobist meetup in San Pedro Park.


Entire day of photography. Coffee & Rides at 9am. Strobist shoot in the park at 5pm (that lasted several hours). Too exhausted to upload from the shoot in the park so all I have for you is Coffee & Rides!


I wonder what happened to split the trunk like this.


Shortly after a mini rainstorm.

Also, couldn’t decide which shot I liked better so you get 2 pics today. Used the tilt-shift feature – these kinds of shots always remind me of the Mr. Rogers intro :).


Definitely liking the S95.

I think I need more flowers in my life. The problem is, I can’t seem to keep any of the potted kind alive. Boo. Even my lucky bamboo plant is looking precarious. LOL


Self-explanatory LOL


Well, hellooo there, sexy.

Apologies for the back-to-back camera posts. But I picked this up today – isn’t it pretty? Sure, it ain’t no FinePix X100 (oh, but speaking of…cameraGASM!! now that is a gorgeous piece of art), but she’s a beauty in her own right. I’d like to thank my stubborn refusal to pay full price (though I prefer to call it “patience to wait for a good deal“) and a fortuitous President’s Day Sale for enabling me to keep within my self-imposed budget–albeit only barely. Can’t wait to test her out tomorrow!


Photography is apparently in my blood. I’d wondered where my love for it came from but it wasn’t until I’d worked for several years at a few studios that my mother, during one of my infrequent trips home, dug out a large case from the depths of her fathomless closet (seriously, where did she keep all that random stuff she’d pull out of there?!). She said it belonged to my dad, gifted from his cousin-in-law, but my dad had never used it. Looking back at old family pictures, I realized most of the shots were very artistic posed candids; I guess my dad had always had a good eye. Anyway, in the case was this beauty, along with several other goodies/accessories. I’ve yet to use it though, as I haven’t had the time to figure out what I need to get it functional but some day, I will!


Woke up to a rainy morning. Which subsequently turned into a beautiful sunny day. But I’d already made the decision to spend the day vegging out in the “rain.” Oh well, the park would still have been too wet from the rain to take the dog, and I really didn’t want to have to give a muddy dog a bath today. So here’s a picture from the morning rain. Really, I just like the bokeh the rain created in the background.


Could use work but not bad for my first attempt. Got a few variational ideas to try in the future.


Blue skies smiling on me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
Blue birds singing a song
Nothing but blue skies from now on

I never saw the sun shining so bright
When you’re in love, every thing’s right
Watching all the days hurrying by
When you’re in love, my how they fly

Those blue days, all of them gone
Nothing but blue skies from now on

Thank you, Eva Cassidy (and I guess Irving Berlin).

(This is much sharper on my computer. And bluer. How frustrating.)


Wowsa!! I found out that I was featured in today’s Showcase: 10 Themed Blogs that Rock!!! That is so awesome! Strangely (or, not-so-strangely…if you know me at all) the first and only thing that came to mind when I learned about it was this:

Yes, my inner nerd (or maybe dork in this case) is showing again.

Be sure to check out the other blogs that made the list – they’re all good!


Rock ‘n Roll.


Another random ethnic touch in my apartment.


Happy Valentine’s Day to…me! Treated myself to some holiday goodies (ok, one of those is for him) from Delish Cupcakes downtown.


Not half bad for not having a super telephoto – or anything even close to it – lens, I think. Although it does make me wish I had one. But, I decided that, since the lenses I currently have generally serve the majority of my present purposes and the telephoto would only be for fun (albeit lots of fun) and a few uncommon shots here and there, *sigh* my allotted “treat yourself to a treat” portion of my tax refund is going to go to a Canon S95. I figured that will serve me well when I can’t have my SLR and also it’s quite a bit more portably ย convenient.


Hiked the Greenbelt today all the way to Zilker.

And a bonus outtake – because it’s too funny not to post. My dog hates the camera.


Another beautiful day out today. A tad on the chilly side if you were in the shade but nothing short of amazing otherwise. Dropped by Zilker Botanical Gardens for a quick walk-around. Things haven’t started blooming yet and most of the water spots had been drained for the winter but it’s still a beautiful place.

This gnarly tree looked like a giant sea creature with a thousand tentacles all stretched out to get you. Also, it probably would have made a great climbing tree, had it not been in the gardens.

I’ve always wanted to do a running water shot, where it just looks like white mist, especially of a waterfall. Well, this one wasn’t much of one, but the concept was still the same! (P.S. it looks bigger than it really is.)



One of the few souvenirs I bought for myself from a 2005 family trip to Vietnam. It was funny to see my mother haggling the merchants there. We’d seen her do it at garage sales sometimes while growing up but to see where it came from and why Westerners/Americans didn’t stand a chance against her negotiating powers was something else! Haggling is expected there, because every other stand is selling the same souvenirs at slightly different prices and you can pull the old “well that’s too much – I’ll just go over here to this other person and see if he’ll give me a better deal.”


Beautiful day outside today. Snapped this while taking a mid-day get-some-food-and-wake-up walk downtown.



Nifty fifty. Definitely a great lens at an even greater price. It was for a long time my only go-to lens and it lived on my camera. It hasn’t had a whole lot of play time since I got the 28-135 IS USM since that one has more versatility as far as range and wideness, but I recently used the 50mm and remembered how much I love it. So much quicker in low light. I need to find more scenarios to use it in.